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‘Stand Firm, Be Faithful’

Writer's picture: Marsden and Mandy GiesbrechtMarsden and Mandy Giesbrecht

Nipawin SK – Over the past 9 months our life has become eventful and exciting! Our ministry team in Nipawin has expanded to include several other NCEM missionaries. We have been actively building a team and praying and seeking and planning together, and God is so good.

As a combined team, we have been busy almost every day of every week. We are sharing the Good News of the Gospel of grace with unbelievers, and encouraging believers also to embrace further dependence on the life-transforming grace of Jesus Christ. From Nipawin-wide worship events, youth Bible studies, adult Bible studies, meetings with families and individuals in Nipawin and surrounding communities, Sunday morning church services, out-trips to Cumberland House, and encouraging one another … our little team is seeking to follow the Holy Spirit as He moves us forward.

We are feeling so blessed to be a part of this little community of missionaries, and to have the privilege of walking with each other day by day. What a privilege to serve Jesus together.

In the past months, God has placed a burden on our hearts to see His Church work together and reflect His love in caring for each other. We as believers, and our children, thrive in healthy community, surrounded by others who love and serve Jesus. We have been created to move together as family toward Him, and grow together in His love for the lost world around us. God has been showing us a larger picture of how this could look outside of simply our small church, by giving us a heart for other churches in our community. We desire to pray for and connect with them as He leads and empowers. As our spirits are encouraged by prayer worship and testimony, we find the Lord opening up avenues of outreach to the lost and broken world around us for the Gospel to move in mighty ways!

How incredible to see members of our little church (missionaries and new believers) make the trip to Cumberland to encourage their little church. How encouraging to host a worship event and have it fill up with youth, adults, and seniors from multiple churches of Nipawin, both new believers and seasoned prayer warriors in attendance. How encouraging to see our Sunday morning services fill to overflowing week by week with those seeking Christian community from every walk of life. How encouraging to hear prayer both requests about addictions, and testimonies of deliverance in the same services.

Please continue to pray for us as often as God lays us on your heart. In the midst of our great encouragement, we are also met with enemy opposition which seeks to take us out, and belittle what God is doing in and through our team. As always, we need the Holy Spirit to help us keep our eyes on our faithful Leader; Jesus Christ. We need to be able to rest in Him daily, and take periods of rest, even though it seems like things are too exciting to want to miss! We need to be reminded to continue to walk WITH Him, and not to launch out in our own strength just to “keep busy”.

Thank you for your faithful prayers. May God encourage you in the Body of Christ as He has been doing with us. May He grant you the privilege of serving and loving and encouraging one another, as you have faithfully served and loved and encouraged us these many years! May He also open avenues of outreach to your church communities to lost and broken people. May God’s Spirit move in mighty ways. We are praying for you, and appreciate your partnership every day.

Mission: Northern Canada Evangelical Mission | Church planting and Outreach

Home church: Sutherland Evangelical Church, Saskatoon Saskatchewan


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