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Moving to a New Chapter

Writer's picture:  Darrell Dyck Darrell Dyck
Saying Farewell to EMMC Executive Director, Lyn Dyck

It seems like just yesterday that Dale Doerksen sidled up to me at an EMMC Pastors Summit and asked if I would consider taking on the job of EMMC Moderator. His term was coming to an end, and he was looking for a replacement. Becoming Moderator was the furthest thing from my mind. I was already busy with pastoring Gospel Fellowship Church in Steinbach and chairing the Steinbach Bible College board. After some consideration with some input from others and the leading of the Spirit, I consented. It meant getting used to a whole new set of responsibilities as well as getting used to working with the Executive Director, a guy by the name of Lyn Dyck. I barely knew Lyn, having met him only occasionally in the past. I knew he had a, shall we say distinctive, moustache, that he was from Altona (can anything good come from Altona?, see John 1:46), and that he liked riding those loud, obnoxious Harleys. What would it be like to work with this Lyn?

How did it turn out? Well, there have been a lot of plus sides to becoming the EMMC Moderator, getting to know all kinds of great people from all over the EMMC, travel to visit our churches and ministries in Bolivia, Ontario, Belize, Saskatchewan and Alberta, etc., but the biggest plus side of all has been the privilege of getting to know and work with Lyn Dyck. Lyn is thoughtful, forthright, humble, easy to talk to, passionate and easy to work with. He has vision and hates spinning his wheels for no reason. If he’s going to do something, he’s going to give his all. He’s great at finances, leads people well and isn’t afraid to tackle the hard tasks. He works well with people and loves to see the Good News of Jesus move into new territory. He loves to see people find grace and mercy through the ministry of the church and wants to see our churches grow and reproduce.

Lyn became the Executive Director in 2015 after we’d been without one for two years. Not long before that Region 5, our US churches, had departed from us, and we were struggling. Lyn tells me that he had been asked a number of times but kept saying no, however the Holy Spirit wouldn’t leave him alone. I can say with confidence that he made the right decision to take the job with EMMC. Lyn has led us extremely well. Through his leadership the EMMC has grown in strength and stature. Through his leadership, we began to develop Five-Year Strategic Plans that have guided our efforts ever since. Through his leadership, our financial accounting systems have been completely overhauled and we have a much clearer picture of our finances. Through his leadership Leading with Vision, the Five C’s (Community, Connected, Compelled, Core, Commission), EQUIP Discipleship Pathway and other programs have been launched. Other than Lil Goertzen, all our staff are new and thriving together in ministry. Through his leadership our connections to each other have been strengthened and built up. I could go on, but you get the picture. Lyn’s ministry with and for us has been effective and pronounced.

Lyn’s service to us will come to an end on January 31, 2024, and it is with much gratitude that we, the General Board want to express our sincerest thanks to Lyn for these past nine years of service to God on our behalf.

We will truly miss you. We also want to express our sincerest thanks to Lyn’s wife Jennifer. She has sacrificed much during the many times Lyn was away from home, or home but preoccupied with EMMC decisions and happenings. Thanks also to Lyn’s four daughters who have shared their dad with us again and again. Lyn, we wish you God’s greatest blessings as you move into the next chapter of your life. You will be missed, but not forgotten.


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