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Life and Learning in Mexico

Writer's picture: Guillermo and Mary-Ann ReddekoppGuillermo and Mary-Ann Reddekopp

Durango, Mexico – The drought of last year brought a deep thirst seen in the land, the businesses and the people of this valley. Several people had to leave for a season in order to find work elsewhere; cattle were practically given away as farmers had no means to feed them; stores’ profits shrunk as only the necessities were purchased and everyone was praying for rain as they watched dust twisters travel across the landscape.

God, who brings streams to the desert, has answered! The past few weeks have brought an abundance of rain! The dust has settled, the countryside is lush and green, the fields are growing beautifully and everyone’s hearts are much lighter as they look with expectation to a summer full of life-giving streams and restoration of what had been lost.

On June 14, we celebrated 100 years of the Mennonites in Durango. It was a beautiful, but sobering event as the many painful experiences of the Mennonite community were reflected on along with the growth of the community. Menno Simons and his original followers had 3 main values that they stressed: The Bible is the Word of God, Faith in Christ is the only way to salvation and sharing of the Good News with others (despite persecution) is vital. Among many of the Mennonite people, these three things have been put to the side and replaced with a work-based, private religion. However, seeing Old Colony and Evangelical Mennonites working together with the Spanish community was a beautiful scene as the celebration crossed many cultural and faith barriers.

Visiting, hosting, meeting, praying … these are the building blocks of many of our days. The Lord continues to open doors in the community as friendships grow, through encouragement and discipleship with a wide variety of men, women and their families.

Several people who our family has been getting to know have recently moved (permanently or temporarily) to Canada or the USA. Joshua’s best friend may be away for a year and another family that has been close to our whole family just moved to USA for a 3-year contract. Grief of good-byes and change of direction of ministry is constant in this community, as it is quite normal for people to come and go regularly.

Two regular events for our family are Thursdays when our life group gathers and on Fridays (and/or Saturdays) when we have families from the community for dessert, games and fellowship. Sundays are usually centered around youth activities and friends. Wednesdays are youth group, leaving Monday and Tuesday which are less scheduled, but often seem to be full of activities.

Praise & Prayer

  • Praise God for His faithful provision in every area.

  • Please pray for continued health and safety (physically & spiritually) and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.

  • Praise God for continuing friendships with Mennonites, Mexicans and missionaries.

  • Please pray for Mary-Ann and kids as they continue to learn Spanish and Low German.

  • Please also pray for several of our new friends who need the Lord; for salvation, healing and growth. Praise God for an increasing depth of conversations and friendship with them.

All three kids have had a few challenges this year, as well. Homeschooling high school can be stressful, and Sam and Lavinia have been the only “Mennonite” kids in the community continuing with high school. Also, we have had several friends leave for Canada/USA. It is hard to find deep friendships here and, at times, we all have struggled to know where we “fit” in this community.

Samuel and Lavinia will be attending a Summit Conference in Colorado August 18-30. We are excited for them to experience God’s presence through worship and teaching and find like-minded youth who love Jesus. Having this opportunity is such a blessing, both because of the amazing program offered, but also because it is in English, allowing them to be refreshed spiritually in their heart-language.

Serving in Mission / Team Mexico

Home church: Aylmer EMMC, Ontario


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