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Commissioned for Ministry in Bolivia

Writer's picture: Lil GoertzenLil Goertzen
Aylmer EMM Church, Ontario

Preparing to send ministry workers to another country takes a group effort. Following God’s leading and listening to His call is the primary ingredient.

Ben and Bertha Kauenhofen of the Aylmer EMMC responded to God’s call on their lives, and began to prepare for ministry in Bolivia with the MEM Low German team.

The weekend of June 24 to 26 was a flurry of activity at the church. A fund raiser and concert on Friday brought people together to learn about Bolivia, listen to great music, purchase a variety of home-made goods, and support the Kauenhofens in their steps of obedience.

On Sunday, Kelly Lesser, EMMC Pastor of Care and Mission had the privilege to be part of the commissioning and sending service for the Kauenhofens. The congregation gathered around the family unit and prayed blessings and commitments over them. They were in this together, showing support, love and care.

The Kauenhofens left for Bolivia on July 11, and arrived safely. Pray for them as they adjust to life in Bolivia and building relationships with the people around them. Pray for Ben, Bertha and Kevin – that they would each find their role in ministering to the many Mennonite people they will encounter. Pray for courage, clarity and open hearts and willingness to be used as God leads.

______________________________ This article was originally published in The EMMC Recorder Vol 59, No. 4


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