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Blanket Making Ministry

Writer's picture: Gin ThiessenGin Thiessen
From Story Time at Morrow Gospel Church, Winnipeg, MB

"Do you like getting snuggled into a blanket?

Do you have a favourite blanket?

How would you feel if you didn’t have a blanket to cover up with? There are many people in the world that don’t have a nice, warm blanket to use to cover up.

Did you know that there are folks in our church that make blankets? They made this one. They start with large pieces of fabric, and they cut them into pieces – maybe squares or long rectangles or triangles and arrange them to make a pattern. They make more squares and then stitch them together. Before the top and bottom are stitched, some fibrefill is put between the two layers and then someone then finishes off the edges and someone else puts the yarn through and ties them so that the fibrefill stays in place. It is a group effort and those that are involved, enjoy what they do.

This year, they only began working to make blankets in January. In past years, they would start in fall and work through winter into spring. With only starting in January, how many blankets do you think they made? Would you believe they still made 100 blankets? That’s amazing.

All of these blankets are going to be taken to a warehouse so that they can be packed and sent to different areas of the world, possibly to Ukraine, and given to those that need a blanket.

We would like to say a prayer of dedication over these blankets as we send them off.

Thank you, Lord, for the hands that have lovingly made these blankets. Thank you for their dedication to getting the job done. As the blankets are packed up and shipped to places far and wide, keep them safe so they reach those that need them.

When they reach their destinations, Father we ask that those who receive them feel the blessing that we pray over them. May they feel not just the warmth of the blanket but Your love as well. We pray this in your precious name. Amen."

Gin Thiessen ministers with the children on a regular basis on Sunday mornings, sharing stories and insights.

______________________________ This article was originally published in The EMMC Recorder Vol 59, No. 4


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