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A New Campus for SBC

Writer's picture: Dave ReimerDave Reimer

For 88 years, Steinbach Bible College has been empowering servant leaders to follow Jesus, serve the church, and engage the world. We send students back to their churches and into the world to serve there.

The world seems to be in an experiment of what life could look like without that old-fashioned God idea. It should not be a surprise that the very things we are losing are faith, hope, and love. And joy and peace. In its place are anger, wrath, and malice. The Gospel is good news, and the Church has a beautiful opportunity to proclaim it in a world that will be looking for some kind of a foundation. “Come back to Jesus!”

Two things make me passionate about the mission of SBC. One is my ongoing conversation with denominational leaders, the world I come from. The church is going to need a lot of new leaders in the next 10 years who are prepared to lead the church on missions into this troubled world. There has to be a place to train servant leaders for the strength of the church.

The other is my personal discipleship experience. My experience at SBC opened my eyes to the hugeness of what God has done for me in Christ Jesus. I understood Scripture not only for the cool things it said about God, but for the accurate way it describes the reality of life in God’s world and inspires hope. It stirred in me a passion that drives me to this day. I determined that I would serve my Savior and His church and do it sacrificially. And I have seen that experience lived out in so many SBC alumni, in so many churches and ministries. I believe that a year or three at SBC is the most significant discipleship experience available, the most significant foundational education.

For the future of the church, SBC must go on.

Five years ago, the combined board of SBC and SCS (K-12) divided the schools into two separate organizations. They agreed that when growth necessitated it, SCS would move into SBC spaces, and SBC would move out of the campus building. SCS is experiencing encouraging growth. They need to double their spaces. So, the time has come! SBC will be moving into a new building in two years, September of 2026!

Our default position was to build a new campus building on the back of the current property near our current dorms, though SBC has for many years tested the viability of moving elsewhere. But elsewhere does not exist on the map.

Early this year, the former Steinbach Family Medical building became available to us through a generous donor and an owner who wanted the mission of Christ to happen in that building. Suddenly there was an elsewhere. The possibility of moving suddenly became real. The Loewen Campus quickly and steadily became our preferred option. We have marvelled at the Lord’s provision in all of this.

(Above) President Dave Reimer, along with SBC students and staff members, visit the future SBC campus.

The location is marvelous. It allows us a distinct identity from Steinbach Christian School. It moves us out of an industrial area with complicated access on the wrong side of a busy highway, and into the heart of Steinbach with access to housing. It puts us right on the beautiful walking path into Steinbach’s beautiful green spaces and parks. It puts us closer to the churches we serve and some of their spaces we can use. It puts us close to Red River College where we have a program partnership. It puts us close to a number of student service learning opportunities like Steinbach Community Outreach, Bridgepark, Bethesda personal care home and hospital. And it is near the new Southeast Event Centre.

The building is full of promise. We asked the question, “Would the building fit a college?” It ends up being perfect to fit the spaces we are currently using. The administration offices will go in the East wing. The NE corner with the 25 ft ceiling, balcony, and skylight will be our common meeting and dining area. That area is going to be beautiful. Community will happen there. The west wing will be classrooms. And a new addition on the West end will house our chapel and library.

We have contracted with Superior Projects to build the building. Student housing is our next big decision. Building two floors of dorms above the new addition is our leading option. We are expecting to make that decision in early November.

We see this as an exciting opportunity that will strengthen the mission of SBC and the churches we serve. Please consider how you can partner with SBC to build a new campus and train up servant leaders to follow Jesus, serve the church, and engage the world. We appreciate your generosity and your prayers.


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