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A Love Beyond All Measure

Writer's picture: Allen SchellenbergAllen Schellenberg
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:10

A lingering thought has captivated my mind; a thought so excellent that it’s mind-boggling. Even the finest of words a scribe can pen cannot account for its worth. Perhaps, like a multitude of predecessors, I’m grasping for words just as did they, only to find that there are no words eloquent enough to begin to describe the immensity of the thought.

How can it be that words can describe other thoughts readily, easily and accurately? But not this word; mere words are inadequate to express, nor can they accurately describe its thought. The heart of it is just a single word; its depth is immeasurable, its limits are boundless, and its strength is stronger than any other single word. And yet, this single word is the tenderest word of all. Spoken in its truest sense, it is truly heavenly.

The same word is most often used very loosely, carrying no weight at all. It is used falsely, deceitfully, abusively, slanderously, manipulatively, hurtfully, and carelessly, in every conceivable way. Why the difference? Is it because sin has blinded the eyes of the user to such an extent that all these different forms of conduct or behaviors are readily accepted in our society? Are these hypocritical behaviors accepted in Christian circles today?

Have we lost the true meaning of love; I mean, in the truest form of love? The word, love, in this sense, is tender, it is forgiving, it is caring in the truest sense. God pours out this kind of love on us so very lavishly. His love is so much more than meager words. Words cannot express that kind of divine love. God’s love carries with it, an indescribable meaning …it is beyond all measure.

Indeed, can mortal men comprehend, or understand the meaning of God’s full intended love? I mean, can man accurately define the depth of love that our Heavenly Father is offering so freely to all who believe in His name? Even the magnitude of it? Hardly! Yes, there have been many attempts to define the word “love” in its truest sense, but they have all failed. Each attempt will fall short, very short, because there are no words to fully describe God’s amazing LOVE for us, His creation.

Even with all our wisdom and great learning; even our sincere desire to express our thoughts; we can not begin to measure God’s great love. On this earth, we will never fully understand how much He truly loves us. Still, we must try to understand. We must long to know God with all our heart; to know and experience His grace and mercy, His great sacrifice.

Could God have given His one and only Son, to leave a perfect heaven, and send Him to a world that wouldn’t even recognize Him, or even want Him for that matter? Would God’s Son, Jesus, have been willing to leave heaven's splendor and come to be the sacrifice for our sins? Tell me, why would Jesus be willing to come to a sinful and wicked world if it weren’t for His great love? Why would He do it if it weren’t that His love compelled him?

Jesus came, knowing full well the cost; that it would cost him His life! Only because of His truest and deepest love, would the Triune Godhead sacrifice so much. Only a Love that is beyond all measure could have, would have, given up so much. There was no other way to bring hope to God’s created beings ... to bring salvation to mankind that hardly knows the meaning of love, let alone His amazing love.

Can mankind fully comprehend God’s amazing love? No! Only heaven will reveal His boundless grace, His sacrificial love, His Love that is beyond all measure! God’s only desire is that we give Him our hearts; our love; our devotion, that’s all. He longs to have fellowship with us, His children. He cares like no other.

My question ... how do I, how do we respond to a love that is so great? How much are we willing to sacrifice our time, our very being, on His behalf? How deep is our love for our Savior? May God teach us to truly know His Love.


This article was originally published in The Recorder Vol 61 No 2


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