Christian leadership development is a deliberate process to equip disciples of Jesus Christ to be effective godly influencers in the areas they have been called to serve.
rises and falls
On leadership.”
~John Maxwell
The EMMC 5-Year Strategic Plan provides a basis for a renewed obedience and response to Jesus’ call to “Make Disciples” in Matthew 28:18-20. From that perspective, we place an emphasis on leadership development and discipleship as the foundation of becoming obedient to the Great Commission.
The Biblical Basis for Developing Leaders Leadership development is part of the discipleship process. The process of becoming more like Christ in heart, motivation, character and relationship.
Leaders are ultimately servants, serving God first, and then the people they have been entrusted to lead. Christian leadership development is a deliberate process to equip disciples of Jesus Christ to be effective godly influencers in the areas they have been called to serve.